Lokasi kami terletak di pusat bandar Kota Kinabalu dan bilik pameran kami mempamerkan produk kereta Proton untuk anda kunjungi.
Hubungi kami di talian 013-8733343 atau datang terus ke bilik pameran kami dengan melihat model proton kereta terbaru seperti Saga, Persona, Iriz, X70 , X50, X90 dan S70 .Anda akan dilayan dengan mesra bersama perunding jualan kami .
Kepuasan pelanggan adalah keutamaan kami dan sebarang permasalahan atau kemuskilan akan diselesaikan secara profesional oleh kami.Kejutan promosi terkini sentiasa dikemaskini setiap masa. Bilik pameran kami dibuka 365 hari setahun dari jam 8.30am-6.00pm.

Shop lot Unit 2-0-10 Api-Api Centre
Lorong Api-Api , Jalan centre point
88000 Kota Kinabalu

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WHO am I?

My name is Alffian Bin Jasni, a local Sino-Bajau from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. I am the authorised Proton Sales Advisor based in Api-Api Centre & Inanam branch with more than 10 years of experience selling Proton cars & has been awarded as one the top Sales Advisor nationwide under the "Best Top Sales Proton Edar Sdn Bhd 2013, 2014, 2015 ,2016, 2017 , 2018 & 2019" category.How can I serve you better? I will give you the best service there is in handling anything or any problem in regards of your documentation from the moment I send it for loan processing until the car is finally delivered to you. Come on!!
Let us do the business together & I guarantee you will have an enjoyable experience buying a new Proton car from me!! Have a nice day!!

Nama saya Alffian Bin Jasni berasal dari Kota Kinabalu Sabah. Merupakan Penasihat jualan proton yang sah. Penerima anugerah Cemerlang Dalam Jualan Proton Edar Sdn Bhd 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019 .Mempunyai pengalaman selama 12 tahun dalam pasaran proton dan bilik pameran berpusat di Api-Api Centre dan Inanam Kota Kinabalu . Apa yang saya boleh lakukan untuk anda? Saya akan berikan perkhidmatan terbaik dengan mengurus segala permasalahan pinjaman sehingga kereta anda dikeluarkan. Cubalah berurusan dengan saya anda pasti seronok dan bergembira membeli kereta baru dari saya.
Latar belakang kerjaya:

My name is Alffian Bin Jasni, a local Sino-Bajau from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. I am the authorised Proton Sales Advisor based in Api-Api Centre & Inanam branch with more than 10 years of experience selling Proton cars & has been awarded as one the top Sales Advisor nationwide under the "Best Top Sales Proton Edar Sdn Bhd 2013, 2014, 2015 ,2016, 2017 , 2018 & 2019" category.How can I serve you better? I will give you the best service there is in handling anything or any problem in regards of your documentation from the moment I send it for loan processing until the car is finally delivered to you. Come on!!
Let us do the business together & I guarantee you will have an enjoyable experience buying a new Proton car from me!! Have a nice day!!

Latar belakang kerjaya:
- Belajar di Sekolah Menengah St Joseph Papar
- Menuntut di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu/Kuching
- Pernah bekerja dengan Kusimi Sdn Bhd
- Menjadi technician Night Electronic (M) Berhad